Death Hoppy Black Ale

7 MALTS: Specialty 2-row, Munich, Crystal Rye, Wheat, Chocolate,Pale Chocolate, Kiln Coffee
7 HOPS: Cascade, Citra, Summit, Crystal, Amarillo, Ahtanum, Chinook
7% ABV
Death seems so obvious: the end of life, no mas, kaput. But Humans stand an optimistic animal. Many traditions suggest alternate endings: Resurrection, reincarnation, rebirth, afterlife. Even the atheist view of Eternal Oblivion doesn’t seem quite final. As usual, Jewish tradition prescribes… Food. 7 days of family, community, and bagels (beer!) called, Shiva, meaning “7” in Hebrew. The flip side to the 7 days of Creation with the 7th as a holy day of rest. The first meal of Shiva is “the comfort meal.” The 7 award however must go to the immortal George Carlin for 7 Dirty Words, inspired by another He’brew hero Lenny Bruce. To commemorate our conversion from that “dirty word” in craft to our very own crib in Clifton Park, behold DEATH (of a Contract Brewer) BLACK ALE, our Shmaltz homage to new life.