Aslin Beer

consume life
‘CONSUME LIFE’ defines our goals and desire to help our customers quench their thirst for their next adventure. We're here for your after-work happy hours and post-game celebrations, for your weddings, anniversaries, and retirements, or even just for the random Wednesday hang at the taproom.
Aslin Beer Co. was founded in 2015 by Andrew Kelley and Kai Leszkowicz. The name, Aslin, comes from the family that connected Andrew and Kai through marriage; they each married a daughter from the Aslin Family. Andrew’s professional background was in finance and consulting, while Kai worked in public service. They bonded over a shared interest of craft beer and home-brewing, which eventually lead to the idea that “We can do this too.”
Since the inception of Aslin Beer Company, we've aimed to create a culture that celebrates beer with a passion and depth of knowledge that's contagious to others. Through our rapid growth, we've come to realize that our beer is not the only good we have the opportunity to cultivate, but that our community is truly at the core of what we do.