Great Divide Brewing

During the late 80s, Brian Dunn spent 5 years overseas building farms in developing countries. Having grown up in a family that valued good food and drink, Dunn grew his knowledge and passion for beer during his travels. Dunn eventually returned to Colorado, started homebrewing and went to graduate school. Upon graduation in 1993, when the Denver beer scene barely existed, he set out to found what would eventually become one of America’s most decorated and celebrated craft breweries.
Beginning with a marketing study and a business plan, Dunn saw an opportunity in what would soon become Denver’s Ballpark Neighborhood to brew uniquely balanced, flavorful beers. With financial help from family, friends and a loan from the City of Denver, his dream of brewing commercially became reality in 1994.
The brewery started small and in the beginning Dunn was the only full-time employee: brewing, bottling and selling to accounts all in the same day. As the brewery grew, the beer spoke for itself. Dunn’s beers were balanced, flavorful and representative of a lifestyle that is uniquely Colorado. While Great Divide’s ethos may be globally-inspired, the beers are distinctly Denver.
Great Divide Brewing has become what it is today thanks to our hardworking, creative and passionate employees. To Great Divide, Bold Character is more than just a catchphrase, it’s the philosophy behind what they brew, how they think, and what they believe.