Midnight Oil

Midnight Oil Brewing Company had its beginnings when Mike Dunlap started brewing his own beer at home simply to save a few hard-earned dollars. When guests gathered at Mike’s home, they were quite impressed with what he created. And even when guests brought their own, they ended up drinking Mike’s home-brewed beer and leaving their commercially-purchased six-packs untouched and abandoned. Not long after, a hobby was transformed into a business.
Midnight Oil Brewing Company is dedicated to working hard and working late to provide others who work hard and late with the most enjoyable, most refreshing and rewarding beers that they can create. Along with that dedication to workers and their families, Midnight Oil Brewing Company actively supports several local charities and groups including Extra Life, a community of gamers who raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
As you might suspect, the beers produced by Midnight Oil Brewing Company are best enjoyed at the end of a day of hard productive work.