Take Selfies, Win Prizes
The #OdessaBrewSelfie Contest is Back!Grab some friends and take an #OdessaBrewSelfieWin amazing prizes and brewery merchandise at the 2019 Historic Odessa Brewfest by posting your very own BrewSelfie on Saturday, September 7. All #OdessaBrewSelfie prizes will be awarded every hour on Saturday. All Odessa Brewfest ticket holders are eligible to win at the event. Find out how to win » [1]Frequently Asked QuestionsFrom parking to pet policy, our FAQ page outlines all the questions you are just burning to ask. Visit the FAQ page » [2]Buy tickets today » [3]Every Brewfest Ticket Supports HOFWhat else could be better than drinking beer at the storied grounds, taking in the view of lush gardens and foliage? It's a perfect way to spend an afternoon. Join us Saturday, September 7 for unlimited beer sampling privileges while listening to four popular live music acts, with genres ranging from acoustic guitar to improvisational jazz. Presented by Chesapeake Home Services