Which Keystone State beers should advance?
Odessa Brewfest Regionals—Part FourBeer! Music! Food! What else do you need to know? Join us at the Odessa Brewfest [1] in Odessa, Del. on Sept. 6. We have an amazing line-up of brewers, and our brewbracket contest highlights them all. Welcome to part four of the field-of-64 regionals!Pick up to 4 beers below in the Keystone region and tweet or post your reason for choosing it using the hashtag #OdessaBrewfest. The reasons can be anything—feel free to be funny or creative. The best answers will WIN PRIZES, which can be picked up at the Odessa Brewfest on Sept. 6. Plus your choice will advance in the Brewbracket! OK, here we go.... Today’s region: Keystone
Click on the names to learn more about the beers and share your reason on Twitter [10] or Facebook [11]. About the FestThe Odessa Brewfest benefits the conservation and education efforts of the Historic Odessa Foundation [12], which maintains homes and gardens in beautiful Odessa, Del., only 23 miles south of Wilmington. The brewfest, which takes place Sept. 6, 2014 from noon to 6 p.m., features over 35 breweries offering the finest craft beers in the nation, live music, food and vendors. For more information and tickets, go to www.odessabrewfest.com [1]. |