Odessa Brews Listed Among Nation's Best

The American Homebrewer's Association released their annual list [1] of top-ranked beers and breweries for 2015, and many of the names on the list will be very familiar to those who attended the Odessa Brewfest last year. One-third of the top 25 breweries and 17 of the 49 listed best beers in America were available for sampling on the beautiful grounds of the 1769 Warner-Wilson house.
The best beers in the USA
The best breweries include Stone Brewing (ranked #2), Sierra Nevada (#6), Dogfish Head (#7), Lagunitas (#8), New Belgium (#11), Oskar Blues (#15), Tröegs (#15) and Victory (#25).
The best beers are well-stocked with brewfest favorites from Dogfish Head, Sierra Nevada, Stone and Victory, among others.
Now it's your turn to vote
Of course, this is just one list, and others will disagree. If you feel a favorite brewery has been slighted or want to cheer on another's success, be sure to make your voice heard in our summer brewbracket contest [2]. Vote on our website for your favorite brewer as we narrow the field down to a final two, with a winner decided at this years brewfest, which takes place Sept. 12.