Two Hard-to-Get Beers Announced for the Odessa Brewfest

Last year, Odessa Brewfest participants got to enjoy beer from New Belgium, a Colorado brewery only just now [1] finally hitting the Philadelphia-area market. This year, brewfest patrons will get an even rarer treat. The Odessa Brewfest will be one of the very first places in the state to make available beer from California’s legendary Firestone Walker.
Firestone Walker, brewed in Paso Robles, CA, makes award-winning ales in the classic English tradition using a unique linked-barrel fermentation system. Firestone Walker is a three-time Great American Beer Festival and four-time World Beer Cup award winner.
The Odessa Brewfest is proud to be one of the first places to sample selections such as IPAs, double barrel ales and the OAKtoberfest seasonal from the newest brewery available in Delaware.
Root beer gets hard
The Odessa Brewfest has also announced that Coney Island Hard Root Beer will be at the festival in 2015. This new style of beer has swept the country and we’re excited to have it as part of the line-up.
Coming in at 5.8% ABV, hard root beer is a delicious new twist on an old favorite. Called the “next big thing in craft beer” by Fortune Magazine, hard root beer brings all the flavor of root beer, with a kick. The new beverage category has been selling out in many locales, but we’ll have it for you on Sept. 12 in Odessa.