
Founded by the Alström Brothers in 1996, BeerAdvocate (commonly referred to as "BA") is one of the oldest and largest online communities of enthusiasts and professionals dedicated to supporting and promoting better beer.
Since the Art of Beer Festival in 2003, we've continued to organize popular festivals and events every year. From social gatherings to charity fundraisers, online tastings to larger ticketed festivals, our events provide the beer community numerous opportunities to sample, socialize, and learn more about beer while directly supporting the industry.
From 2006-2019, we had the honor to work with countless contributors to publish independent, award-winning, journalism in BeerAdvocate magazine.
In February 2020, BeerAdvocate joined forces with Untappd under Next Glass, the parent company of BeerAdvocate, Hop Culture, Oznr, and Untappd. Under the Next Glass umbrella, BeerAdvocate maintains its distinct brand identity, and continues as its own community, website, series of events, and beyond.
BeerAdvocate is the go-to beer resource for millions of consumers each month and the benchmark for beer reviews.
Today, we're widely considered the go-to website for beer and the benchmark for beer reviews and ratings due to our focus on quality, integrity, and respect.